Vrstaatkroon Newspaper

VrystaatKroon is a community newspaper to Kroonstad and area, unlocking community news. VrystaatKroon is the advertising medium of choice for national and local environmental advertisers. Their news is focused on agriculture, mining, sports, school news, and news about their own community welfare The newspaper was founded in 1985.

VrystaatKroon is a bilingual weekly community newspaper distributed in Bethlehem, Clocolan, Ficksburg, Fouriesburg, Koppies, Kroonstad, Ladybrand, Reitz, Senekal,   Viljoenskroon. This leading community newspaper has a readership of 37 330 households bi-weekly on Wednesdays.  VrystaatKroon prints 12 361 copies per week.

Vrystaatkroon Website also offers readers the option to read paper online

Advertising in the Vrystaatkroon is great way to build brand awareness.  Advertisements will be seen by thousands of readers in the Kroonstad region and will help build brand visibility which will increase advertiser’s consumer base.

How to Advertise in the Vrystaat Kroon Newspaper –  Step by Step 

  1. Determine which area/suburb you want to target.
  2. Get the content of your advert ready (we will design it for you, free of charge
  3. We will size your advert and provide you with price and placement options.
  4. Once you have decided on your size and publication, we will forward you an invoice for payment.
  5. Once payment is received, we will finalize the placement and provide you with proof thereof in the form of a PDF page (after the day of distribution)

Contact Us

Advertising Sizes

Advertise Size

Black and white

Full Colour

1 Spot Colour

Advertising Deadline*

¼ / Quarter Page ads


Every Thursday at 10am

Every Thursday at 10am

1/1 Full Page ads


½ Half Page


150mm  x 3 Columns


150mm x 4 columns


150mm x 2 columns


100mm x 4 Columns


100mm x  3 Columns


100mm x 2 columns


Business card size



Stats and Data of  Vrystaatkroon

Circulation / How many are printed

12 361 copies



Distribution Day

Bi-Weekly  Wednesdays

Black and white adverts


Colour ads



37 330


Afrikaans and English

Distribution areas

Bethlehem, Clocolan, Ficksburg, Fouriesburg, Koppies, Kroonstad, Ladybrand, Reitz, Senekal, Viljoenskroon

Advertising Deadlines


Advertising Placement Deadline

Booking Deadline

Thursdays at 10h00

Material deadline

Fridays 15h00


Newspaper Contact Details

Contacts Details

Newspaper Advertising

Advertising Details


Email address

[email protected]

Contact Person

Christel Schatz


Advertising Sales Manager

Whatsapp Details


Publication History of  Vrstaatkroon

Vrystaatkroon newspaper was founded in 1985 and is one of the media community newspapers. Their news is focused on agriculture, mining, sports, school news, and news The Kroonnuus and Vrystaat Nuus was amalgamated in 2020 to become the VrystaatKroon.


Rates differ depending on the size, as well as the type of advert. Request a NO OBLIGATIONS FREE quote on YOUR advert here.

Thursdays 10h00 am (Prior to Publication date)

Fridays  15h00 am (Prior to Publication date)

Bethlehem, Clocolan, Ficksburg, Fouriesburg, Koppies, Kroonstad, Ladybrand, Reitz, Senekal,    Viljoenskroon

No,  the VrystaatKroon is a sold Newspaper

You can pick up a copy of the print publication at major retailers and petrol stations.